This is a list of rules that helps you to create and plan scenes.

180° shutter

This rule says that you have to set your shutterspeed to halve of your framerate. If your shutterspeed is set to slow it will lead to an increased amount of motionblur and if it is to fast the motionblur will not be visible and it will look like a stop motion movie.

Rule of thirds

a grid overlay of two horizontal and two vertical lines is placed over the frame. if theres  an edge in the picture place it along one of those lines. if theres an actor let him looking to the side let him look into two enpty sectors.

Dutch angle

hold your camera at an angle and it will look like your character is in the wrong place and does not belong there.

Zoom in

it is mostly used as a creation of tension in a scene.

Zoom out

is used to introduce new actors or end a atory.

Dolly in 

the dolly in is mostly used to introduce new characters or start a whole film or a now story in the film. It also creates tension.

Dolly out

this camera moovement is used to end a film or introduce the surroundings to the actor.

Dolly zoom / Vertigo

this effect is used to create some weird tension in a scene. it is created by mooving the camera backwards and zoom in or the other way around. To produce usable scenes it has to be as exact as possible.

Wide angle near to subject

This style of shot is used to bring the viewer into the actors personal space.